Wednesday, September 4, 2024

SRF at Progress Workshop hosted by the KeySuite and LeVe CPAP projects

On the 22nd of August 2024 a team from Soar Research Foundation was privileged to attend a Progress Workshop hosted by the KeySuite and LeVe CPAP projects at Golden Tulip Hotel Kampala.
The workshop theme was: Landscaping Medical Devices Regulatory Processes for Uganda to Support Local Innovation, Production, and Translation."

The workshop brought together key stakeholders, industry experts, regulatory authorities, and innovators to discuss on how to collaborate on enhancing Uganda's medical devices regulatory landscape.
Opening remarks were given by Dr. Robert Ssekitoleko (Lecturer and Head of Biomedical Engineering at College of Health Sciences, Makerere University)

Updates on groundbreaking projects such as the KeySuite (a gasless laparoscopic surgery kit) and the LeVe CPAP (a device ensuring continuous airflow for patients with respiratory difficulties) were shared.
Brian Matovu (Project Manager at Makerere University Biomedical Research Center     explaining the LeVe CPAP operation with Kato Hussein Wabbi (technical assistant on the KeySuite project)

A team of young innovators interacting with Dr. Atwine Daniel (ED-Soar Research Foundation) after the conference.

Left to right:  Dr. Atwine Daniel (Executive Director-SRF), Dr. Robert Ssekitoleko (Lecturer and Head of Biomedical Engineering at College of Health Sciences, Makerere University), Ms. Caroline Birungi (Regulatory officer at SRF).

The LeVe CPAP 
Dr. Atwine Daniel (ED- SRF) and Mrs. Bagayana Sheila (Managing Director at ShiShi International)

Friday, August 30, 2024

SRF at TAMC 2024

As we begin a new month, lets us take you back to some of the moments that took place in August,
Soar Research Foundation (SRF) was represented by Dr. Atwine Daniel on the Transforming African MedTech Conference in Nairobi-Kenya from 28th to 30th August 2024.
#TAMC2024 discusses issues related to the current landscape of medical technology regulations in Africa, focusing on the ongoing efforts to harmonize regulatory frameworks across the continent and strategies for
achieving regulatory excellence.


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

SRF hosts HELP TO HELP team


On the 10th June 2024, Soar Research Foundation hosted a group of young change markers supported by Help to Help at Mbarara University of Science and Technology.  It was a great privilege to interact with enthusiastic University graduates and students that are ready to be the Change that Africa aspires for.  The team was led by Ms Naomi Shimba (Regional Director for East Africa) and Epifania Mhagama (IT Systems & Digital Inclusion Manager).

Dr Atwine Daniel shared his career journey as a Researcher and Inspired the participants on the benefits of research and innovation towards Africa's development. He encouraged students and graduates not to fear to get their hands "dirty" that is, not to be fearful to be the pioneers of new Initiatives that could address Africa's challenges. 

Soar Research Foundation offered its services towards hosting and facilitating such endeavors that are aimed at offering career guidance and empowerment of young African Elites especially towards research careers at the transition into the Job market.

SRF at Progress Workshop hosted by the KeySuite and LeVe CPAP projects

On the 22nd of August 2024 a team from Soar Research Foundation was privileged to attend a Progress Workshop hosted by the KeySuite and LeVe...